28 Practical Tips for Women Traveling Alone
Tips for solo travelers should apply to everyone, right? It’s a shameful thing about our world that women have to be so much more vigilant than men to keep ourselves safe. Yet we do. There are lots of general practical details that women have to be aware of, both for our safety and in order to enjoy ourselves. The fact is that more and more women are traveling solo these days, and discovering the joys and challenges solo travel involves.
(Last update August 2023)
Have you been considering it, and you have some idea of what the benefits might be, but you worry about the practical details? If you’re thinking of traveling solo, here’s a list of practical tips for women traveling alone!
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Advice for women traveling alone
I’ve done enough solo travel to feel well qualified to pass on some advice. I also asked some female blogger friends for their advice and incorporated it into this article too. I’ve divided it into several sections: eating, sleeping, exploring, socializing and “other general advice.”
If you’re feeling some trepidation about traveling solo, I hope this will help you take the plunge!
1. Brazen it out.
I’ve seen many comments in travel groups on social media about eating alone and the fear that everyone is staring at you, pitying you for being alone. Here’s what really happens: they look up long enough to see that the person who just came in isn’t someone they know. Then they go back to their conversations and forget that you even exist.
So how do you deal with that momentary awkwardness? Walk in, ask for a table and sit down. Brazen it out. The more you do it, the easier it gets.
2. Bring your own entertainment.
Bring a book or magazine to read or play TwoDots on your phone, so you have something to do until your food comes. No one is staring at you! You’ve already disappeared from their short-term memory by the time you sat down!

3. To choose a restaurant, just ask.
High-end hotels have concierges, and you can consult them for free. They might take a kickback from certain restaurants, but I’ve found that if I phrase my question correctly, I’m more likely to get an honest recommendation.
Instead of saying, “Can you recommend a restaurant?” I say, “I’d like an inexpensive restaurant that local people would go to with their family that serves (fill in local dish here).”
Cab drivers are great people to ask for restaurant recommendations. Or try the person at the hotel reception, or the bartender at the hotel bar. The friendly woman at the corner shop who sold you a toothbrush because you forgot yours might have a favorite restaurant. In some cities, you can use Yelp.
4. Eat in.
If you really can’t stand eating in a restaurant alone, use room service. Or buy local take-out food (e.g. sushi in Japan) and eat it in your room. Order take-out food to your hotel room, but meet the delivery in the lobby, so the delivery person won’t know what room you’re in. For lunch, buy your food in a supermarket or street market and have a picnic on a bench while you watch the people go by.

5. Ward off unwanted dinner guests.
If anyone starts bothering you while you are eating, say that you want to eat alone. Don’t be polite, don’t smile. Be firm and blunt. If the person still insists, call the waiter over and say that the person is bothering you. Ask for the manager, if need be. It’s unlikely, but just don’t be afraid to make a scene if necessary.
As an aside, this applies pretty much anywhere too: women are so trained to be nice that we have trouble getting ourselves out of dangerous situations. I’ve read in Facebook groups, for example, of women getting groped during a flight. Their comment is often something like “I didn’t want to make a fuss and wake everyone up.” Really? Unless we “make a fuss,” such behavior will never end! Yell, make noise, whatever is necessary to get the message across that this behavior is NOT ACCEPTABLE! … Okay, rant over.
6. Book a small hotel.
Choose a small hotel where you’re less anonymous, and preferably one that’s near public transportation. Access lots of choices, with options for free cancellations, by using Booking.com or Expedia or Hotels.com.
Once you’re in your accommodation, here are more pieces of advice:
7. In hotels, ask for a room on an upper floor and close to the elevator.
An upper floor prevents peeping toms or break-ins, and being close to the elevator allows you to get to your room quickly without walking past lots of other rooms’ doors. I prefer not to have a room right next to the elevator though; they’re often noisy and so are the people inside.

8. Block the peephole.
Crumple up a small piece of paper and place it in the peephole in the door of your hotel room; in some places there have been reports of hotel staff reversing the mechanism so they can see in. Leave the paper sticking out a bit so you can remove it if needed.
9. Use the peephole.
Even if you’re expecting room service, use the peephole before unlocking the door.
10. Use the chain lock on the hotel room door as well as the door’s regular lock.
Hotel employees have access to the regular lock. Only you have access to the chain.

11. Use a door wedge.
Patti Morrow of Luggage and Lipstick recommends getting a cheap plastic door wedge and using it under your hotel room door in addition to all the other locking mechanisms.
Book your hostel, hotel or apartment here.
Here are a few tips about safety when you’re moving around a foreign city:
12. Follow all the safety routines you probably already follow at home.
Women traveling alone do have to be careful. That applies at home just as much as in a foreign country. A handbag with an across-the-chest strap is harder to snatch than a shoulder bag. In crowded areas, keep your bag or backpack in front. Don’t walk down dark alleys or deserted parks at night. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean those basic safety rules don’t apply.
13. Use public transportation.
Public transportation is cheap and there’s safety in numbers – but not too many numbers, so avoid places like the Tokyo subway system at rush hour! Some cities, including Dubai, have women-only cars on the metro.
Besides, some of the best people-watching is on public transportation!
14. Use taxis wisely.
Only take marked, legal taxis or a service like Uber or Lyft. Ask at your hotel what the price ought to be. Agree on a price with the driver before getting in and/or insist that the meter is turned on. Sit in the back seat. Note the name and number of the taxi and taxi driver as soon as you get in. Some cities, notably Dubai, have women-only taxis with women drivers. Choose them.
15. Take the address of your hotel with you.
This is especially useful if you can’t speak the language. It’ll help if you need directions or want to tell a taxi driver or ask a bus driver where to go.
16. Carry a really loud whistle with you at all times.
This way you can make some noise if you need help. (Again, thanks to Patti Morrow of Luggage and Lipstick.) As I pointed out above, stop worrying about being polite – it’s okay to make noise or get rude if people are harassing you.
17. Carry a wedding ring.
If you don’t already wear one, i.e. if you’re single, it can be useful for people to think you’re married. A simple, cheap ring is easy enough to take with you. (Again, this is one of Patti’s.)
Read this article for more advice on avoiding crime while traveling.

Much as I enjoy solo travel – being able to make all the decisions without any consultation remains a joy – it can certainly get lonely sometimes. Here are some suggestions for meeting people.
18. Take a tour
Michele Peterson of A Taste for Travel says “One of the best ways for solo female (or male) travellers to connect with other travellers and explore a new city is to sign up for a culinary walking tour. These tours offer excellent value. Not only do you get to enjoy the company of new-found friends who share the same interests as you do, but you’ll be guided by an expert local resident who can introduce you to a city’s hidden neighbourhoods offering insights into the culture, history and architecture along the way. Plus a full morning or afternoon of tasting stops makes a great substitute for a sit-down meal.”
Read about food tours I’ve taken:
Anita Lee Breland of Anita’s Feast adds “Cooking classes are another way I like to connect when traveling.”
Really any kind of walking tour would work, not just culinary. I always end up in conversation with the other participants.

19. Talk to other travelers and to locals.
You don’t have to stay in a hostel to meet other travelers (though hostels do make it easier). One time, when I was traveling in Japan on my own and hadn’t spoken English with anyone in days, I was waiting for a train and heard someone speaking English. My ears perked up right away, and I saw a couple and a young child not far away down the platform. I walked over to them and I don’t remember what I said, but it was enough to strike up a very pleasant conversation. We ended up doing a bit of sightseeing together that day and having dinner together a few nights later.
20. Ask questions.
A good way to approach other people – locals or travelers – if you’re feeling uncomfortable with this idea is just to ask them a question. “Do you know if this is the right platform for the train to Tokyo?” “Have you been to Kanazawa? I’m trying to decide whether to go there.” Any simple question will be enough.
Curious about the train system in Tokyo or whether to go to Kanazawa? Read these articles:
21. Be open and friendly.
Say “Hello” to the owner of a shop when you walk in. Have a chat with the proprietors of your hotel. Coo at a fellow bus rider’s baby. If you are friendly and make eye contact, you’re more likely to be able to strike up a conversation.

Other general advice
22. Pack light.
Unless this is a business trip and you need several days of different outfits with accessories in order to land that big account, you should be able to take very little with you.
I know many of us have trouble with this. However, if you’re traveling solo for the first time, remember that you won’t have anyone to help with your bags. Yes, if you’re staying in an upscale hotel, a porter might help. On the plane or on a train, though, you’re expected to lift your bag into the overhead compartment all by yourself. Make sure you can.
My advice: lay out what you think you might need. Then subtract half. You should be able to fit all of it into one carry-on bag. The make-up, blow-dryer, bathrobe, dressy outfit because-who-knows-you-might-get-invited-to-a-party? Leave them at home.
Read my article Minimalist packing tips: How to travel light! I traveled for two months with one carry-on bag. If I can do it, so can you!
23. Wear things more than once.
This follows from packing light. If you’re moving from place to place, no one is going to know that it’s the fourth time you’ve worn those jeans. Don’t worry about it until they are visibly dirty or smell bad. Use deodorant, of course, and shower regularly, but you don’t need to change your clothes entirely every day.
24. Do laundry as needed.
I usually hand wash clothing when I need to. The soap or shampoo they provide in hotels works just fine as laundry detergent, by the way.
If you’re traveling for more than a couple weeks, ask at your hotel where the nearest laundromat is and go do a load of laundry. This is another reason to take simple, durable clothing: you want to be able to throw it all into one wash.
And by the way, laundromats are another great place to strike up conversations with strangers.
Alternatively, choose an accommodation that includes a washing machine.

Book your hostel, hotel or apartment here.
25. Make sure you’re connected.
Before you start your trip, make sure that you will be able to use your phone where you travel. There are a number of ways to do this. Most phone companies allow you to make calls and surf the internet on your phone in other countries, but often for a high cost. If you want to save money, you have various options.
- One is to get a local SIM card on arrival – you can usually pick one up right at the airport. Make sure it has as much data as you’re going to need, and set it up in your phone right then and there so the shopkeeper can help you get it going. If you have an extra SIM slot on your phone, you can still receive calls on your original number. Otherwise, make sure family and friends know to use, for example, Whatsapp to reach you.
- Another is to sign up with an e-sim company. I’ve used Airalo, which worked fine, though I did need help getting it started.
Make sure to look up beforehand what the emergency number is in the country you’re visiting. In the US it’s 911, but in the Netherlands, where I live, it’s 112. In the UK, it’s 999.
And speaking of connected, I’d suggest finding a way to literally connect your phone to you: a wristband would work, or a longer necklace-style chain, or a strap that attaches to your belt. It’ll make it a bit less easy to snatch it when you’re busy using Google Maps on a street corner.
26. Get travel insurance.
Even if you’re young and incredibly fit and healthy, get travel insurance because sh!t happens! Motor vehicle accidents don’t only happen to the old and decrepit. Neither does food poisoning. Most of the time you’ll end up feeling like you wasted your money getting that insurance, but that one time when you need it? Such a relief! Running up huge medical bills, extra nights’ accommodations you didn’t plan on, flights you had to cancel and rebook, etc. etc. … the stress could make you even sicker than the original reason you need the insurance!
27. Where to travel?
In light of occasional acts of terrorism, this might be your biggest concern. My view is: go anyway! I discussed why in Choosing a destination in a time of terrorism just after the Berlin Christmas market attack in 2016, but it still applies.
Big cities like New York, London, Paris, and San Francisco are great for solo travel for women, but so are plenty of other places. Tokyo, for example, or Seoul or Berlin or Prague or Hong Kong or Melbourne … well, there are lots of places you could go. Pretty much anywhere, actually, is good for women traveling alone.
I’m assuming, though, that this advice is for relatively inexperienced solo travelers. I’m also assuming you’re from the US as most of my readers are.
In that case, stick with anywhere in Western Europe, Ireland, the UK, Scandinavia or the bigger cities in Australia. Public transportation in these places is good and dependable. The water is safe to drink, the traffic moves more or less according to rules, the rule of law is mostly respected, and crime rates are low. Most importantly, you’ll always be able to find someone who speaks English.
Of the places I’ve been, I’d also add Japan and South Korea for all the reasons I listed above, but you will find fewer people who speak English than in Western Europe.
For lots of great travel recommendations around the world, see my post Where should I travel? How to choose a destination and my collaborative post Trip of a Lifetime: Bloggers pick their must-see destinations. Italy got the most nominations from my fellow bloggers, but you’ll find plenty more ideas as well. If you are specifically thinking of doing some city travel in Europe, SheGoWandering has a good overview.

And a 28th: Let others know where you are.
Tofik Charoliya of Shifa Travels added one more, below in a comment, and it’s definitely worth adding here as well: share your itinerary beforehand with family or friends so at least a few people know where you are! My family has taken to using Polarsteps when we travel. It’s an app on your phone where you can upload some photos and type in your story at the end of each day. It also makes a map of where you travel. You can keep your story private and only give access to people you choose.
What now?
These tips have all been pretty general. They also come from a particular point of view: a white, middle-aged, able-bodied woman who is alert when traveling, but doesn’t face racism and only rarely experiences any sexual harassment.
- If you are black, look up accounts written by other black women traveling alone. It might help you choose where to travel, and where not to. Here’s a list of bloggers to start you off. My (male) travel blogger friend, Roobens, wrote this interesting article about traveling while black.
- If you are a young woman, look up other young women’s experiences with harassment in the countries you are considering. Or pose your question in a Facebook group for solo female travelers.
- If you are LGBTQ+, look up which destinations are most tolerant. Pride.com’s travel section is a place to start.
- If you are disabled, look up which places are most accommodating for people with disabilities. You can get lots of good advice from these 8 disability travel bloggers.
- If you are a senior citizen, read the National Council on Aging’s advice about how to travel safely as an older adult.
Meanwhile, please share this post wherever you do social media (The picture below is perfect for pinning!). And if you take the plunge, let me know how it goes!

Do you have any tips you could add about solo travel for women? Please comment below!
My travel recommendations
Planning travel
- Skyscanner is where I always start my flight searches.
- Booking.com is the company I use most for finding accommodations. If you prefer, Expedia offers more or less the same.
- Discover Cars offers an easy way to compare prices from all of the major car-rental companies in one place.
- Use Viator or GetYourGuide to find walking tours, day tours, airport pickups, city cards, tickets and whatever else you need at your destination.
- Bookmundi is great when you’re looking for a longer tour of a few days to a few weeks, private or with a group, pretty much anywhere in the world. Lots of different tour companies list their tours here, so you can comparison shop.
- GetTransfer is the place to book your airport-to-hotel transfers (and vice-versa). It’s so reassuring to have this all set up and paid for ahead of time, rather than having to make decisions after a long, tiring flight!
- Buy a GoCity Pass when you’re planning to do a lot of sightseeing on a city trip. It can save you a lot on admissions to museums and other attractions in big cities like New York and Amsterdam.
Other travel-related items
- It’s really awkward to have to rely on WIFI when you travel overseas. I’ve tried several e-sim cards, and GigSky’s e-sim was the one that was easiest to activate and use. You buy it through their app and activate it when you need it. Use the code RACHEL10 to get a 10% discount!
- I’m a fan of SCOTTeVEST’s jackets and vests because when I wear one, I don’t have to carry a handbag. I feel like all my stuff is safer when I travel because it’s in inside pockets close to my body.
- I use ExpressVPN on my phone and laptop when I travel. It keeps me safe from hackers when I use public or hotel wifi.
Rachel, I am surprised at the articles published by several prestigious media outlets. I do not like when certain things apply only to an exclusive group. Anyway, your tips are actionable and very valuable, Safety should be a priority for people traveling alone. I mean, it is not like you are going to keep worrying about that but you cannot take it for granted either.
I traveled alone before getting married and never had major problems. Like you mentioned, joining daily excursions or activities is a great way to find company. In addition, you can make plans to dine with people you meet during the day (happened to me tons of times). I went to visit my family in New York in December and had to do things alone since my family had to work. I joined several free tours and those where great.
Second part of the comment since the first one was too long and the “Post Comment” button disappeared.
I will say common sense plays a big role in this too. I know a lot of us want to relax when on a trip but you should not get totally uninhibited. People make dumb decisions and then things go wrong.
And, yes, take a door wedge! My hotel door was opened in the middle of the night in Vienna last year.
I completely agree. It amazes me the stupid things some people do on vacations that they’d never do at home. It often involves drinking too much and then making drunken decisions. Someone opened your door? You mean with a hotel key? Scary!
Rachel, I loved this! Yes, a wedge is something I always travel with. Also, if you accidentally end up in a hotel that ‘feels wrong’ or where you are getting too much attention, follow your instincts and leave immediately. When I go down to breakfast I leave the television on and put the ‘do not disturb’ sign up. Any plastic card will usually allow you to leave the electricity on. Use the safe for your passport and tickets and money. Always have an e-copy of all documents. Wear no jewellery or super cheap stuff and a plastic watch. Leave your earphones out. My most dangerous moments have usually been down to fellow travellers rather than locals and nearly always could have been foreseen had I been more alert!
Good tips! I never wear jewelry except for simple stubs as earrings and a very simple wedding ring. And I always want to hear what a place sounds like, so the headphones are just for when I’m on the plane. Good tip about when you leave the room for breakfast! I never thought of that!
Love the detail in this post. I picked up some tips for my inner list.
Thanks, Jan! Glad you liked it!
Yes, even when I was an executive traveler, these tips fit my travel style and independent psych much more closely than the concierge option mentioned in the New York Times.
Having a personal concierge would certainly make travel easier, I just can’t see needing it enough to pay that much for it!
I like the tips for meeting people. You never know when you will meet someone. I find it harder on short trips, but when I stay longer, I find I am more likely to find people who will want to meet up. Here’s a funny meet up surprise. I always carry my yoga mat when I’m headed to the gym. I don’t know how many times I’ve been stopped by people who want to know where the gym or yoga studio is. Sometimes it turns into an interesting chat and I have actually made some new friends that way. Go figure! Maybe it will work for shy people.
I used to travel with just a carry on, but the carry on restriction have become so restrictive and unpredictable that I now bring one checked bag. It’s not as convenient, but the carry-on I now use is only good for an overnight trip.
I did my laundry by hand when I first came to Thailand, but I finding a laundromat nearby is a good idea. Depending on the weather you may not be able to dry your clothes overnight. And it’s another way to meet people. Once when I was doing laundry in Brittany a nice lady helped me learn to use the machines. She was an older lady about my age and her accent told me she was not a local. By dress, I guessed she was on the road. You don’t find older women traveling rough much in Europe. I wish I’d been smart enough to keep the conversation going. I’ll bet she had a good story.
Thanks for commenting, Joy! Your yoga mat idea is great, if you do yoga! Perhaps that would apply to any kind of equipment for any kind of hobby?
I can really identify with some of your tips. Wearing clothes more than once before washing can certainly be applied when travelling during winter periods. This can save lots of packing space for long trips. For other hot and humid destinations like South East Asia I always feel like changing my clothes every day.
True. I was traveling in hot places, and I changed my shirts and underwear every day, but I could go several days in the same shorts, even in such hot weather. The hardest part about packing light is if you’re going to move from hot to cold weather in one trip. Then you end up hauling heavy warm clothing you don’t need in hot places.
As a married woman I actually leave my ring off because I don’t want to be targeted for theft. Maybe I should find a fake. I also discovered that I don’t like eating in a restaurant alone. I’ve done it but dining out for me is about the company and the conversation. Otherwise I feel lonely. I don’t know why I don’t feel the same way when I go to a cafe? I guess I need to go solo more often to get comfortable with it. Thank you for these helpful tips!
I’ve never been wonderfully comfortable with it either. That’s why having a book or other entertainment helps. I’ve also noticed that when I’m eating alone, the service tends to be faster. I guess they’re eager to get you out of there since you’re taking up a whole table. So I get my food quickly, eat, and don’t linger.
I love your point that women are so trained to be nice that we have trouble getting ourselves out of dangerous situations. That is so true. I have been saved so many times by my male companions (husband and sons) because they smelled a rat while I was busy being polite. Fortunately most of the situations were scams rather than serious danger.
Don’t even get me started! Girls are trained much more than boys to be polite “Be quiet like a good girl!” “Don’t make a fuss.” etc. I’ve read accounts of women getting groped on airplanes and not saying anything till afterwards because “I didn’t want to wake everybody up.” Law enforcement doesn’t believe assault victims because “Why didn’t you scream?” We are taught not to scream! It’s crazy! So yes, you should make a fuss and not worry so much about “what people will think”. Especially when you’re traveling, it doesn’t matter what people think; they’re never going to see you again anyway! (Rant over.)
Society is getting better I think. It was much worse in the 70s and 80s when I was young – or maybe I noticed it more because I was young. One of the advantages of getting older (getting dangerously close to 60) is that that type of guy doesn’t give you a second glance.
Great piece, Rachel. I couldn’t imagine what you were going to do starting from that ridiculous piece from the Times, but this is a wonderful response. I always find it odd that people insist on maintaining all their same routines when they travel, although I do realize that serious road warriors have their own needs. Having said that. . . after a stressful few days getting ready to leave, I’ve discovered that a pedicure at the airport manicurist is a nice way to relax during a long layover. And the best haircut I’ve ever had in my life was the only one I’ve had on vacation! (We were staying a a fancy spa resort and I was going nuts with nothing to do but sit by the pool.) In any case, I can’t imagine paying someone to direct me to services! Good tips. I especially like the idea of signing up for a short tour as a way to meet people with similar interests – I don’t think people usually think of taking a tour for that reason.
Great list of tips! I agree that choosing the right destination can really make or break a solo (or any!) trip. Some destinations are much better than others for the solo scene. But I still do prefer to travel with a friend.
My favorite tip is to take a tour. Always a great idea.
Some great tips here! I often do go to hair and nail salons when I travel – especially if I am away for a long period of time. It’s a great way to learn about a local culture. I don’t know why the NYT would think anyone would need to pay a concierge for that! I just check on Google maps as there is almost always one near the hotel or apartment I’m staying at.
I have had too many people mess up my hair to want to have anyone do it but MY person! But you’re right that it would be a good place to be able to ask questions about a place, and that it would be easy to find on your own!
I’m so glad you took the Times to task on this one. I don’t like to be negative, but that article was like taking a giant step backwards.
I know, right? Like all that concerns us is our hair and nails, and we can’t do the simplest tasks by ourselves!
This was really helpful Rachel as I’m considering my first solo trip to southeast Asia early next year for several weeks. I always traveled solo when we lived in the US for business trips but the idea of a solo trip to a different country solely for tourism, even after all our travels, is just a bit daunting. Still, I love a good challenge and will have to put some of your tips to work. I especially like the idea of tours as a way to meet people. Thanks for a great post! Anita
Glad it helps! I know it’s daunting, but once you go, it’ll be great. Much as I love to travel with my husband, traveling alone was really pretty special. The freedom of it is wonderful.
And another thought. You said travel light, and this is super important when arriving somewhere like a bus station where if you can’t carry your own bag you are in danger of a taxi driver grabbing it and persuading you to travel with him. It’s one way for them to get passengers but not what you want.
Exactly! And speak up and say NO loudly if they try to scoop up your bag that you’re perfectly capable of carrying yourself! I would also add that, at the airport, only take a taxi from an official taxi rank.
An older woman taught me a trick many years ago. She ‘resurrected’ her husband when she traveled and even put his hat in her car. She spoke about Archie as if he would step through the door any time. I always think of her when I travel and if I feel a bit out of my element I say something like, ‘I’m expecting my husband later this evening. Is there an extra charge for the extra person?’ I already know there isn’t a charge, but there was a charge I’d pay it just to feel safer.
That’s a good idea! I’ve certainly told people I’m meeting my husband, even before I had one! Just yesterday I ordered a pizza for myself, and when it arrived, I yelled “Dinner” so the delivery person wouldn’t think I was home alone. Though that may have been because I felt pretty pathetic ordering a pizza for one…
Great must follow tips for solo women traveler. I would add one more is to book somewhere social, such as a hostel or friendly apartment rental. There’ll be plenty of other solo travelers in the same boat as you.
Good point! Hostels are great for meeting people to spend the day sightseeing with, or to travel further with if you are compatible. Thanks!
really helpful blog for a solo female traveller, i appreciate your thoughts.being a traveller it help me a lot and make my day.
Share your travel itinerary with trusted relatives, friends or colleagues, so at least one person will know where you will be in case an incident occurs.
Of course! I should have thought of that! I’ve added it in as a 26th piece of advice. Thank you!
Hi Rachel
Thanks for adding my advice in your informative post.
Very helpful article letting women folk to be best prepared for travel and tour and tips for the some best travel enthusiasm and charm at the same time maintaining safety and security.