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Lankayan Island Resort in Malaysian Borneo

Slowly surfacing from a deep sleep, I gazed up at the dim outlines of the canopy above us, draped with a white mosquito net. A sliver of gray light peeked through the gap in the curtains to my right, the direction of the sunrise. I listened to the pre-dawn noises: a chaos of bird calls was probably what had woken me – but I never sleep late anyway – the low hum of the air conditioner. The dominant noise, though, was the slurp of the waves. It must be high tide, I thought; it sounded like they were lapping at the stilts supporting our chalet, not the even shushing of waves on a beach that had put us to sleep.

An aerial view of the whole of Lankayan Island Dive Resort. Photo courtesy of Asia Diving Vacation.
An aerial view of the whole of Lankayan Island Dive Resort. Photo courtesy of Asia Diving Vacation.

Waking up at Lankayan Island Resort, I could not believe my good fortune. Both my husband, Albert, and I posted on Facebook independently soon after we arrived that we’d found paradise. It’s not perfect, of course, but it’s pretty close.

Disclosure: Pulau Sipadan Resort & Tours sponsored my stay at Lankayan Island Dive Resort. My husband’s stay was partly paid for by Asia Diving Vacation. However, we paid our diving equipment rental and all dives in full for both of us. As always, all opinions are my own.

Another disclosure: This article contains affiliate links. If you click on one and make a purchase, I will receive a small donation. This will not affect your price.

Text: Lankayan: A gorgeous island resort in Malaysian Bornea. Image: a wooden house on stilts.
Save this image to Pinterest for future reference.

Lankayan Island

Lankayan Island is a tiny dot, far from anything. Walking around it on the beach took me about 15 minutes, and I wasn’t hurrying. Privately owned by Pulau Sipadan Resort and Tours, the island holds nothing but the resort, staff quarters, a small army post and a turtle hatchery. Natural growth – a green jungle – fills the rest of the 2.5 hectares of land.

Part of Sugud Islands Marine Conservation Area, a 46,000-hectare expanse of ocean (178 square miles) that includes two other islands as well, Lankayan Island conforms to rigorous conservation guidelines in terms of water use, waste treatment and protection of wildlife. When we arrived, a staff member explained the rules to us immediately: no taking anything, not even empty shells; no touching corals; no fishing, etc.

Lankayan’s accommodations

Arrayed along the eastern beach are 26 bungalows (called “chalets” at Lankayan) of various sizes. Ours, number 20, was a two-person chalet with a bedroom and bathroom, including air conditioning and a ceiling fan. Large, high-ceilinged and airy, it was simple but well-appointed, with toiletries, towels, a safe, a hair dryer, a fridge, bottled water, a kettle and makings for tea or coffee. Rather disturbingly, we also had a supply of cockroach killer and mosquito coils. Fortunately, we never saw the need for either one.

A large bed with pillows and a mosquito net.

The bathroom had a bathtub with a choice of a hand shower or a rain shower. The only thing lacking, in my view, was a door on the bathroom. Much as Albert and I have been married a long time, I prefer to use the bathroom in private.

The best part, though, was outside. We first approached the chalet from the boardwalk running behind the row of chalets, then walked along the side of the house and up a short stairway to the door. That’s when we saw “our” view.

The entrance to the building is on the ocean side, with a wide balcony overlooking the sea. The white-sand beach below was smooth; no one had walked on it, and it came complete with a palm tree bent picturesquely over the water’s edge. On the beach, in the shade of the balcony, two lounge chairs beckoned. It was perfect. The nearby “vinegar stand” was a little worrying, though. Apparently, it’s better to wash a jellyfish sting off with vinegar than with fresh water, so every two chalets share one of these. Fortunately, we never needed to use it.

A wooden house on stilts with a pointed roof and steps down to a white-sand beach. Palm trees next to the house.
“Our” chalet at Lankayan Island Dive Resort. You can see the vinegar stand on the little pole between the chalet and the palm tree.

The “street” behind the chalets is a boardwalk, lit at night. It’s a shady, green stroll. The staff quarters are nearby: “inland,” but not far away, and we could hear some uproarious games of volleyball and football going on in the early evenings. A generator hummed in the background, supplying electricity for the island. Other than that, the center of the island is just jungle: green and shady and cool.

A boardwalk with a railing on only one side, and lots of trees on both sides.
The boardwalk that runs behind the row of bungalows at Lankayan Island Resort. Photo courtesy of Albert Smith.

If you like the idea of a tropical paradise, read my posts on Guadaloupe, Martinique and St. Lucia!

Over-water bungalows

Lankayan has expanded, adding nine over-water bungalows. When we visited in August 2018, three had been completed and men were at work on the rest. It’s a shame, in a way, that the resort expanded. At the same time, it seemed clear to me that the chalets in our row would eventually have to be rebuilt or removed: the sea is rising and the beach is eroding. (In the aerial photo above, you can see a curved boardwalk under construction. That’s where the over-water bungalows are.)

Note added in September 2024: From their website, it looks as if the original bungalows have been renovated, and I’m glad to see that they stopped at the planned 9 over-water bungalows and no more.

A square building on stilts with a peaked roof.
A completed over-water bungalow at Lankayan Island.

The over-water bungalows are certainly a step up from the chalets, just in terms of their more modern design. With one bedroom, they include a very chic bathtub next to a window overlooking the sea, and a separate large shower room. Their balconies face away from the island toward the sea, and include two lounge chairs as well as a hanging swing chair. What they don’t have is direct access to the water; guests in an over-water bungalow have to walk back to the island on the boardwalk to get to the beach for a swim.

The centers of activity at Lankayan Island Resort are the main building – home to reception and dining – and the dive center.

The main building

Standing prettily on stilts at the end of a long boardwalk lined with lights and potted bougainvillea plants, the round – or, more correctly, polygonal – main building serves meals three times a day. Coffee, tea and fruit drink are available all the time, while other drinks cost extra.

A large wooden building on stilts, with walkways on stilts leading to it.
Lankayan Island Resort’s main building.

The meals were surprisingly good: not gourmet, but hearty and very tasty. I say surprisingly because buffet-style eating tends to be bland, in my experience. This was not. Every lunch and dinner we had several choices: some Western, but mostly Malaysian. It was ample and flavorful, and the seafood was particularly delicious. Dessert was always fresh fruit: pineapple, watermelon, or melon. The day that papaya was on offer almost caused a stampede. At breakfast, we could choose between Malaysian-style noodles and Western options like eggs or waffles cooked to order.

The building itself is open on all sides, with views of the island and the sea and with plenty of air flowing through, helped by ceiling fans. Upstairs is a small library, where guests can help themselves to books, though when we visited it was mostly used for over-excited children to run around.

peaked roof, then a long boardwalk on stilts with other boardwalks on stilts branching off of it, then the island, covered with green beyond that.
This is the view from upstairs in the main building, looking back toward the island.

The main building at mealtimes was definitely not a quiet place, but for us it was a friendly place. The Chinese tourists mostly kept to themselves in large family and friend groups, though I did manage a chat with one young woman from Beijing who had come with her husband and could manage some limited English. The Western tourists – we met mostly Dutch and Brits – ended up chatting over meals.

The main building was also the only place with wifi, and it wasn’t the best, but it was enough. Why would you want wifi in paradise anyway?

Outside of meal times, the main building was a quiet, restful place, and couches or comfy chairs made good places to read or write.

If you want to find out about a much less pleasant place to visit in Malaysia, read Gomantang Cave in Borneo: a warning.

Lankayan Island Dive Resort

Lankayan Island’s dive center is at the end of another boardwalk not far from the main building. We needed a refresher dive since it had been several years since our last dives. Our instructor, Efran, was extremely patient and professional with us.

Underwater view of a jumble of hard and soft corals with fish around them.
A general view of one of the reefs at Lankayan Island Dive Resort. Photo courtesy of Albert Smith.

At one point when we were practicing our skills about seven meters below the surface, I experienced a moment of panic. We were simulating a situation where one person is out of air and needs an emergency air supply from another person, a standard skill that all divers learn. Each diver always carries a spare mouthpiece (called a regulator) for just this eventuality.

I removed my mouthpiece and took Albert’s extra one, put it in my mouth, and tried to breathe in. Nothing came out. I tried again. Nothing. Now running out of breath (I’d been blowing slow bubbles as required at depth.), I looked up toward the surface, thinking desperately that I might have to pull an emergency ascent. Efran saw what had happened, realizing that I had tried to use the regulator upside down. He corrected it, gave it back to me, and I could breathe again. I’d taken in some seawater in the process of switching regulators, which is normal, but I spluttered and coughed into the regulator. Adrenaline coursing through my body, I panted heavily. Efran held my shoulders, looked calmly into my eyes, and signaled to me to slow my breaths. His knowledge and composure helped me focus again.

Anyway, we did two more dives after the refresher. One was with Efran again, who essentially babysat me throughout the dive, keeping me calm. The second was with another dive instructor, who also showed tremendous patience when I took a very long time descending.

The clams are large and open so the shells are invisible; only the body of the animals can be seen and they are a mottled blue.
A cluster of colorful clams. Photo courtesy of Albert Smith.

The corals around Lankayan are not very colorful, but the other sea life makes up for it. We saw bright blue sea stars and enormous Moorish idols and elegant lionfish and multi-colored parrotfish and an array of brilliantly-colored small fishes that I don’t know the names for.

The lionfish is inside a cylindrical coral.
Lionfish. Photo courtesy of Albert Smith.

I should add that the whole dive operation was efficient and professional. They kept track carefully of who was diving where and with what instructors or guides. We’ve gone diving at places with worn-out equipment and lax procedures, like one place where our PADI certification was never checked, and another where we (including our then-16-year-old daughter) ended up going much deeper than our certification’s limit of 18 meters. Lankayan’s equipment is up-to-date and their procedures are in order.

The Moorish idol fish has a very long dorsal fin and is striped in bright yellow, black and white, with a bit of orange on its pointy mouth.
A moorish idol, and you can also see the head of a parrotfish on the left. Photo courtesy of Albert Smith.

By the way, if you’re not up to diving, snorkeling is possible pretty much anywhere around the island. Many of the families who visit the island don’t dive; they limit themselves to swimming and snorkeling. I tried it at our chalet, but it was a bit disappointing there because the scenery was mostly sand and seaweed, so the animal life was rather sparse. The snorkeling is far better near to the dive center, where a coral reef extends on both sides. I used to keep banggai cardinalfish in my aquarium at home; this was the first time I ever saw them in the wild.

A school of small grey fish with large fins and a black stripe down their sides.
Banggai cardinalfish.

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The turtle hatchery at Lankayan Island Resort

At Lankayan Island’s turtle hatchery, a team of dedicated staff keeps a day and night watch on all the beaches for any sea turtles – hawksbill and green turtles – that lay their eggs on the beaches of Lankayan Island. Once nesting is done and the turtle has returned to the sea, they collect the eggs to keep them safe in a hatchery. When the babies hatch, the team counts them and then releases them on the beach to make their way to the water. Visitors can learn about and witness this project, if they’re lucky and a release or a nesting happens while they’re there. We were lucky and got to witness both. Click on this link for my article about the hatchery on Lankayan Island. You’ll see some really cute clips of how these hatchlings run down the beach!

The turtles are moving left to right over white sand and the legs of a bunch of people are lined up behind them. One person squats and points a telephone at the turtles.
Baby turtles racing frantically to the sea as visitors watch.

Getting to Lankayan Island Dive Resort

Lankayan Island Resort is, we both agreed, about as far away from it all as we’ve ever been. And we’ve traveled to some pretty obscure places. To get there involves a 90-minute boat ride from the small city of Sandakan on the east coast of Malaysian Borneo. It would be considerably faster from the nearest point on Borneo, but there’s no city or port there.

This isn’t just any boat. It’s a speedboat with two 250-cc engines, racing at full throttle for 90 minutes. It is most definitely not a comfortable ride. The boat plows through the water, rising on waves and banging hard on the way down. A small boy vomited, then fell asleep on his mother’s lap. Two Chinese women looked ill but managed to hold it together. Those sitting toward the back of the boat got splashed from time to time, but the water cooled us, so we didn’t mind.

The short clip below is the best I could manage to record; the ride was too bumpy to hold my camera steady. It’ll give a bit of an impression of how fast we went. The other boat was the same model as ours and was also on its way to Lankayan Island.

Besides an extended family of Chinese tourists and ourselves, the boat carried a soldier in full uniform, bullet-proof vest and AK-47. He slept through the trip. Why a soldier? Lankayan Island is close to the sea border with the Philippines, and there have been a few incidents on the Philippine side of the border of kidnappings of fishermen and cargo ships, as well as one foiled plan by Abu Sayyaf to kidnap Western tourists. The military has a small post on the island, just in case, though no one from the area seemed particularly concerned.

In the evenings after the sunset, after dinner, after a pleasant chat with new friends, we made our way back to our chalet: down the bougainvillea-lined boardwalk, now lit with low lights, to the shore, onto the boardwalk backing the chalets, listening to the birds calling and the insects buzzing as we walked along. The sea was calm and breezeless, the waves quietly tickling the beach below the balcony. I could see a few points of light on the horizon. Apparently, these are Filipino fishing boats keeping just the other side of the border so as not to violate fishing treaties. Adding the hum of the air conditioner to the night sounds, I slept well.

Sunset and a calm sea.
Sunset as seen from the main building.

My recommendation

As you can tell, I loved our visit to Lankayan. The peace and quiet of the place – the Robinson Crusoe feel – is priceless. I found myself daydreaming about owning a tropical island like this and what I would do with it. We stayed for three nights, but I would have liked more.

Having said that, I would not recommend it for anyone who needs distraction. Lankayan has no TV or “animations” to keep you busy; you have to make your own entertainment. During the day, you can dive, snorkel, swim, sunbathe, or go sea kayaking: that’s all there is. Each turtle release or nest-building causes a brief flurry of activity, and then everyone goes back to whatever they were doing. In the evenings after dinner, families play cards or enjoy a drink together in the main building.

The heron is grey with long light-yellow legs and a long, pointed beak. It stands on a support beam that juts out from a raised wooden walkway.
One of the inhabitants of Lankayan Island: a grey heron. Photo courtesy of Albert Smith.

Also, if you get motion sickness on a boat, make sure to take meds ahead of time; it is not a pleasant ride.

If you have impaired mobility of any sort, it might not be a good choice. You’ll need to be able to step into and out of a boat and negotiate stairs to your chalet. Getting into the water to go snorkeling might be difficult.

It would be a good place to travel with children, but only from about six years old and up. The boardwalks to the dive center and to the main building have no railings, and it would not be relaxing to have to keep such a close eye on the littler ones all the time. For older children, a vacation at Lankayan would be magical: nothing but beach and snorkeling and plenty of food that is included in the price. We met several families with teenagers, and even they seemed happy.

Text: Lankayan Island Resort: A paradise off the coast of Borneo in Malaysia. Image: baby turtles running on sand.

Travel information

I booked my trip through Asia Diving Vacation. I found them very helpful with all my questions and concerns. They arrange vacations at a number of other resorts in Malaysia and Indonesia as well.

The nearest airport is in Sandakan. You can fly there on AirAsia from Kota Kinabalu or Kuala Lumpur or take Malaysia Airlines from Kota Kinabalu or Tawau.

Arrange with the resort to pick you up at the airport or a Sandakan hotel to bring you to the quay in Sandakan where the boat lands. The boat goes every day from July through September, less often the rest of the year. Make sure to arrange pick-up when you book. This might require a night’s stay in Sandakan.

On Asia Diving Vacation’s website, the following prices are listed as examples: starting at €1,352 for a non-diver (6 nights) or €1,825 for a diver (6 nights). These are per-person prices in a twin or triple shared room and do not include diving equipment rental.

Best time of year: You want to avoid the monsoon season, so go during the summer, between March and September. It may still rain, but usually it’s not for very long and often it’s during the night.

Is this something you’d enjoy doing? Or does the idea of being so far away from everything put you off?

(Updated September 2024.)

My travel recommendations

Planning travel

  • Skyscanner is where I always start my flight searches.
  • Booking.com is the company I use most for finding accommodations. If you prefer, Expedia offers more or less the same.
  • Discover Cars offers an easy way to compare prices from all of the major car-rental companies in one place.
  • Use Viator or GetYourGuide to find walking tours, day tours, airport pickups, city cards, tickets and whatever else you need at your destination.
  • Bookmundi is great when you’re looking for a longer tour of a few days to a few weeks, private or with a group, pretty much anywhere in the world. Lots of different tour companies list their tours here, so you can comparison shop.
  • GetTransfer is the place to book your airport-to-hotel transfers (and vice-versa). It’s so reassuring to have this all set up and paid for ahead of time, rather than having to make decisions after a long, tiring flight!
  • Buy a GoCity Pass when you’re planning to do a lot of sightseeing on a city trip. It can save you a lot on admissions to museums and other attractions in big cities like New York and Amsterdam.
  • It’s really awkward to have to rely on WIFI when you travel overseas. I’ve tried several e-sim cards, and GigSky’s e-sim was the one that was easiest to activate and use. You buy it through their app and activate it when you need it. Use the code RACHEL10 to get a 10% discount!
  • I’m a fan of SCOTTeVEST’s jackets and vests because when I wear one, I don’t have to carry a handbag. I feel like all my stuff is safer when I travel because it’s in inside pockets close to my body.
  • I use ExpressVPN on my phone and laptop when I travel. It keeps me safe from hackers when I use public or hotel wifi.


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I’ve never heard of Lankayan Island before and had to Google it to see where it is located – it really is quite remote!

The resort looks charming and perfect for a digital detox. The only screen time you can get is through your diving goggles!

Thanks for this post about Lankayan Island Resort. I love places that have water as the focal point, so I’m quite certain I would enjoy a visit here.

Wow! This really looks like an off-the-beaten-path getaway! I loved following your diving story and was glad that Efran was with you, too!

That sounds like quite a remote adventure. I could feel your panic underwater and it is the very thing that has kept me from trying it. Hope I’ll get past it one day! Lankayan Island Resort looks like a perfect place for someone really looking to unplug and recharge. Sometimes those destinations are kept special by being so hard to get to and remote.

Fabulous scenery and a great place to visit. Over water bungalow looks amazing.

Lankayan Island is such an incredible place, and the diving here is nothing short of fabulous, had the time of my life exploring Coral Garden, Mosquito Wreck and many other cool dive spots!

Hi Rachel .
How did you get travel insurance for your trip to Lankayan?
The Uk government warn against all but essential travel there so we would not be covered by our insurance ?