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What makes German Christmas markets special

Whenever people ask me “How do you like living in Holland?” part of my answer has to do with travel.

You see, living in the Netherlands means I can travel to other European countries very easily. In fact, I can drive into Germany in about a half hour. Belgium is about two or three hours away. In seven hours I can reach Paris.

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It never ceases to amaze me, though, this hop to another country. That half-hour drive into Germany takes me to a place that looks pretty much exactly like here – flat-as-a-pancake farmland – yet isn’t at all like here. People speak German, of course, rather than Dutch. And they have an entirely different culture: different foods, different ways of celebrating holidays, a different school system, different traditions.

Brightly-lit market stalls, crowds of people walking past them; a tall spired building in the background.
One of many Christmas Markets in Germany; this is Oldenburg. In the background, the rathaus (city hall). On the right, the St. Lamberti church looms behind the brightly-lit stalls.

Lots of Dutch people take advantage of being so near to other countries. They spend summer vacations in warm places like the south of France or the coast of Spain. In the winter, they ski in the Austrian, French or Swiss Alps.

Europeans take this ease of travel for granted. I don’t. Even after more than 25 years in the Netherlands, I get a thrill just crossing a border.

Christmas markets in Germany

In the lead-up to Christmas, many Europeans visit Germany for the Christmas markets. Germany is near enough that, for many of us, it’s just a day trip.

My friend Kate and I went to the Christmas market in Oldenburg, less than two hours from my home in Groningen. It’s a small city, so the market is small. If you went to Köln, for example, or Munich or Berlin, you’d get many more stalls to explore. In Hamburg there are more than 20!

It’s funny: most countries in Europe have Christmas markets of some sort. Yet Europeans travel to visit the ones in Germany.

So what makes German Christmas markets so special?

1. Christmas market atmosphere

The Christmas market stalls twinkle with lights and color, especially when it gets dark: mid-afternoon this time of year. In most cities the market is in the center of town, often ringed by charming historic buildings.

In Oldenburg, the lovely St. Lamberti church sits in the middle of all the market activities. The Lamberti Market square, on one side, is filled with Christmas market stalls. On the other side, the stalls and childrens’ attractions extend to Schlossplatz, which faces the Oldenburger Schloss (castle). A beautiful 16th-17th century building, it was once the home of the Dukes, Grand Dukes and Earls of Oldenburg. Now it’s a museum of art and cultural history.

A view from a bit higher of market stalls and lots of people.
A few of the market stalls with the Oldenburger castle as backdrop. Notice the people drinking glühwein at the nearest stall.

Everyone at the Christmas market is in a good mood. Even the people working in the stalls are friendly and smiling, despite the cold. (I suspect many have space heaters hidden under the displays.) Children drag parents along, over-excited by the lights and colors. And the visitors are happy to be there, drinking in the Christmassy atmosphere.

2. Glühwein

Another thing they drink is glühwein. Quite a few of the stalls are essentially outdoor bars. Glühwein is the traditional drink at German Christmas markets. It is a heated, sweet, spiced wine, available in white or red. You’ll be charged extra for the mug (usually 2-3 euros), which you can get back if you return the mug. If you like it, keep it.

The same goes for hot chocolate, served in the same mugs with whipped cream on top. Either way – glühwein or hot chocolate – a hot drink may be necessary depending on the weather. You’ll be outside wandering the market for hours, and your hands need warming!

Two glass mugs with an image of Oldenburg printed on them.
glühwein: white in this case

A bit of a warning about the drinking: as evening progresses, the crowds get louder and drunker, but they stay cheerful. Don’t be surprised if your drink gets jostled and spilled. Most years I leave before it gets too cheerful.

3. The food

Germans do heavy comfort food really well. This visit, we enjoyed a hot roast pork sandwich, with pork cut from the rotisserie as it turned, served with mayonnaise and sautéed onions. Kate’s had sauerkraut as well. It was delicious.

Two men, backs to the camera, in front of a large rotisserie.
Slicing the pork off the rotisserie

Later we tried a dampfnudel. We felt we had to try it because dampfnudeln were featured on the Great British Bake-Off, and they’re hard to bake. That’s mostly because they aren’t baked, but steamed. It’s more like steamed bread than cake, but has a sweet fruit filling. Then it’s topped with vanilla sauce and fruit sauce: in our case, cherries.

We bought one and shared it. Much larger than the ones featured on the BBC, it was so filling it spoiled any chance of eating dinner at the market.

our dampfnudel - a half-spherical form on a plate, doused in white sauce and red sauce with a few cherries.
our dampfnudel

You’ll find plenty of other food choices, though. One stall specializes in mushrooms, while another serves crepes and another serves poffertjes (a small, sweet, Dutch pancake). The emphasis, though, is on meat, and you’ll find lots of different takes on meat dishes, predominantly pork.

You might also enjoy reading about spending Christmas away from home, or a comparison of US and Dutch Christmas.

4. Shopping

While many of the stalls sell food or drink, the rest stock all sorts of items, often handcrafted. You can buy candles and crystal and artisanal candy and woodwork and winter hats and mittens. And it’s all prettily displayed, lit by strings of Christmas lights. The proprietors are not at all pushy, so feel free to browse.

Large statues of snowmen with carrot noses, wearing scarves.
Or you can buy silly Christmas snowmen!

5. The kids

German Christmas markets are very child friendly, at least before the drinking takes off. At this little market in Oldenburg, we went on the small Ferris wheel (and got some amused smiles when people in line realized we were without kids). We also saw a merry-go-round, a storytelling booth (presumably only in German), and pony rides. Candy stalls around every corner provide plenty to bribe your kids with so you can enjoy your glühwein. Buy them a candy apple and it will keep them happy and busy long enough for a drink.

 A display with wrapped candies, including a pink marzipan pig.
or a marzipan pig?

The German version of Santa Claus (who, this year, looked just like Santa Claus) meets and talks to the kids one by one, just like in the US. However, if your kid doesn’t speak German, you might risk encountering a Santa Claus who doesn’t speak English.

6. Christmas at German Christmas markets

For those of a religious bent, you can find actual Christmas in Christmas markets as well. There’s always a nativity stall, sometimes even with live animals. And, because the markets are often next to a church on a central market square, you can attend a service or hear traditional music being performed.

A nativity scene.
Christmas markets in Germany always include a nativity scene like this one in Oldenburg.

So add this to the things I like about Holland: visiting Christmas markets in Germany.

Go to Hamburg if you want lots of Christmas markets to choose from – ranging from very child-oriented to very naughty. If this small market in Oldenburg is more your thing, the best way to do this – and be able to enjoy your glühwein – is to stay at least a night, preferably two. Look for accommodations in Hamburg or in Oldenburg.

Does your hometown do a Christmas market? What’s it like?

Text: German Xmas markets: why they're special. Images: above, the market at Oldenburg; below, gluhwein.

My travel recommendations

Planning travel

  • Skyscanner is where I always start my flight searches.
  • Booking.com is the company I use most for finding accommodations. If you prefer, Expedia offers more or less the same.
  • Discover Cars offers an easy way to compare prices from all of the major car-rental companies in one place.
  • Use Viator or GetYourGuide to find walking tours, day tours, airport pickups, city cards, tickets and whatever else you need at your destination.
  • Bookmundi is great when you’re looking for a longer tour of a few days to a few weeks, private or with a group, pretty much anywhere in the world. Lots of different tour companies list their tours here, so you can comparison shop.
  • GetTransfer is the place to book your airport-to-hotel transfers (and vice-versa). It’s so reassuring to have this all set up and paid for ahead of time, rather than having to make decisions after a long, tiring flight!
  • Buy a GoCity Pass when you’re planning to do a lot of sightseeing on a city trip. It can save you a lot on admissions to museums and other attractions in big cities like New York and Amsterdam.
  • It’s really awkward to have to rely on WIFI when you travel overseas. I’ve tried several e-sim cards, and GigSky’s e-sim was the one that was easiest to activate and use. You buy it through their app and activate it when you need it. Use the code RACHEL10 to get a 10% discount!
  • I’m a fan of SCOTTeVEST’s jackets and vests because when I wear one, I don’t have to carry a handbag. I feel like all my stuff is safer when I travel because it’s in inside pockets close to my body.
  • I use ExpressVPN on my phone and laptop when I travel. It keeps me safe from hackers when I use public or hotel wifi.


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I have so much to comment about your post! Travel will be one of the reasons I would love to live in Europe. During my latest travels there, I met a couple from the Czech Republic which have visited every country in Europe. To them, it is nothing out of the ordinary but I was amazed. And the thing is that this wasn’t even that difficult to accomplish.

I enjoy the way Germans and Austrians prepare roast pork. In Austria, I was blown away by a piece of roasted pork I tried at a market. I was like nothing I have tried before. I have not been to a Christmas market but would love to visit one one day. #TPThursday

As an Australian I am so totally envious of people like yourself who live in Europe. If I lived there I would be like you and never take it for granted. It costs us so much money to get to Europe! I’m pretty sure I would be buying some winter hats and mittens at the Christmas Market.

The food at the Oldenburg Christmas market looks superb!

Wow! I had no idea about Germany’s Christmas markets! I minored in German in university, and I got to try gluehwein. 🙂 I’m finally going to make it to Germany for the first time in February. I’ll have to make sure I’m in Germany some time for Christmas season so I can have a Christmas market experience.

The Christmas Markets have been on my list for a while. I had hoped to get to the one in Barcelona last year (not Germany, but would have been nice). Unfortunately, it ended on Christmas Eve and I didn’t arrive until Christmas day. That’s okay! It’s another reason to go back to Europe! 🙂 I want to try the dampfnudel, too! Thanks for co-hosting this week! #TPThursday

‘Living in Berlin. It certainly does!
I adore the German Christmas Markets, they’re just such a great way to hang out with your friends of an evening!

I hosted an American blogger just yesterday, and she wanted to visit as many Xmas Markets as possible! I managed to show her in just one evening – Four Christmas Markets, the medieval quarter – Nikolaiviertel, a bit of the Berlin Wall, a German celebrity Red Carpet event, and two famous currywurst Berlin venues, in both East & West Berlin!

I was quite exhausted when I dropped her off, and went home! 😀

I’ve always wanted to go to the Christmas markets in Germany, I was actually supposed to go a couple weeks ago but had a change of plans sadly! These photos are great! Hopefully i can make it in 2017!